8086 microprocessor

Intel 8086

  • Intel 8086 microprocessor is the enhanced version of Intel 8085 microprocessor. It was designed by Intel in 1976.
  • The 8086 microprocessor is a16-bit, N-channel, HMOS microprocessor. Where the HMOS is used for "High-speed Metal Oxide Semiconductor".
  • Intel 8086 is built on a single semiconductor chip and packaged in a 40-pin IC package. The type of package is DIP (Dual Inline Package).
  • Intel 8086 uses 20 address lines and 16 data- lines. It can directly address up to 220 = 1 Mbyte of memory.
  • It consists of a powerful instruction set, which provides operation like division and multiplication very quickly.
  • 8086 is designed to operate in two modes, i.e., Minimum and Maximum mode.

Difference between 8085 and 8086 Microprocessor

8085 Microprocessor8086 Microprocessor
It is an 8-bit microprocessor.It is a 16-bit microprocessor.
It has a 16-bit address line.It has a 20-bit address line.
It has a 8-bit data bus.It has a 16-bit data bus.
The memory capacity is 64 KB.The memory capacity is 1 MB.
The Clock speed of this microprocessor is 3 MHz.The Clock speed of this microprocessor varies between 5, 8 and 10 MHz for different versions.
It has five flags.It has nine flags.
8085 microprocessor does not support memory segmentation.8086 microprocessor supports memory segmentation.
It does not support pipelining.It supports pipelining.
It is accumulator based processor.It is general purpose register based processor.
It has no minimum or maximum mode.It has minimum and maximum modes.
In 8085, only one processor is used.In 8086, more than one processor is used. An additional external processor can also be employed.
It contains less number of transistors compare to 8086 microprocessor. It contains about 6500 transistor.It contains more number of transistors compare to 8085 microprocessor. It contains about 29000 in size.
The cost of 8085 is low.The cost of 8086 is high.


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