

Q1. Draw the pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor and explain the function of each pin.
Q2. Explain the internal hardware architecture of 8086 microprocessor with a neat diagram.
Q3. Explain the 8086 instructions used for transferring data among registers, memory, stack and I/O devices.
Q4. Explain data transfer, arithmetic and logical group instructions of 8086 microprocessor.
Q5. Explain the string instruction.
Q6. Explain the Addressing Modes.
Q7. Explain the assembler directives and operators.
Q8. Explain the Minimum Mode configuration of 8086 Microprocessor.
Q8. Explain the Maximum Mode configuration of 8086 Microprocessor.
Q9. Given the Comparative study of salient features of 8086, 80286 and 80386.
Q10. Draw & discuss the timing diagram.
Q11. Explain the memory interfacing.
Q12. What are the different interrupt of 8086 Microprocessor.
Q1. Give system bus architecture of 8086.
Q2. Explain the Maximum mode configuration?
Q3. What are the different interrupt of 8086 microprocessor?
Q4. Explain the Minimum mode configuration?
Q5. Explain the System Bus Timings..
Q6. Explain the memory interfacing with 8086/8088 in minimum mode.
Q7. Explain the memory interfacing with 8086/8088 in maximum mode.
Q1. Draw and explain the architecture of DMA controller.
Q2. Draw and explain the architecture of 8279.
Q3. Draw the block diagram architecture of 8253/5254 and explain it
Q4. Explain the Programmable interrupt controller (PIC) 8259.
Q5. Explain the 8-bit ADC & DAC.
Q6. Explain the 8251.
Q7. Explain the ADC & DAC with 8086.
Q1. Given the detail architecture of 80386.
Q2. Explain the virtual 8086 mode of 80386.
Q3. Explain the RISC & CISC processor.
Q4. Explain the 80386 Flags.
Q5. Explain the 80486.
Q6. Explain the memory management in 80386.
Q1. Explain the communication between CPU & IOP.
Q2. Given the arithmetic instruction of 8087.
Q3. Explain the I/O Processor 8089.
Q4. Explain the numeric data processor 8087.


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